How to Get Back to Writing Starting Right Now
This season, many of us are settling back into our routines and wondering: How can I connect with my creativity again? It can be overwhelming, especially while balancing all our other responsibilities. There is a lot of good advice out there: prompts, good attitude, workshops. But when you already have a personal writing coach, I’ve found that the most effective way to empower yourself is by dedicating a new space in your own home for writing (and writing only.)
But how? Here are some quick tips:
Re-arrange your creative nook. Move your desk. Convert your coffee table. Sit on a floor pillow by your favorite window. Experiment with anything different from your norm until you land somewhere that feels right. Keep it simple, comfortable, and a place that you look forward to spending lots of time in.
Re-commit to phone boundaries. It’s not always possible to follow everyone’s advice and leave your phone in another room. Leave it in the corner of your writing space, just out of reach, but on vibrate.
Ritualize the nook. Visit it once a day for a couple minutes. Make it feel sacred to you. Hang a photo, tape up an inspirational quote, add a glowy lamp, or simply spray the surface of your table with aromatic oils.
Build positive associations. In this nook, write a letter to a friend. Write a poem to send to your one on one writing coach. Draft a playful tale to send to your short story editor.
Communicate. Tell everyone you live with that when you are in this nook, you are not to be disturbed.
These are small measures, but they add up. In your new nook, these commitments tell your brain that it is safe to focus, be creative, and finally get back to writing.