The Role of Online Writing Tutors in Teaching Effective Internet Use

A student meets with his middle school writing tutor online.

In the digital age, the ability to effectively use the internet and evaluate the reliability of sources has become an essential skill set for students of all ages. Online writing tutors are uniquely positioned to teach these skills within the context of writing education. This article explores strategies for online writing tutors at elementary, middle, and high school levels to empower their students to become discerning digital citizens.

For Elementary School Writing Tutors

Starting with the Basics

Introduce the Concept of Authority: Teach students that information comes from various sources, and some are more reliable than others. Use age-appropriate examples, such as comparing a story in a children's encyclopedia to one told in a cartoon.

Engage with Visual Learning: Utilize interactive websites and games that illustrate the concept of trustworthy versus untrustworthy information in a visually engaging manner.

Foster Critical Thinking: Encourage students to ask questions about the information they see online, like "Who made this?" and "Why did they make it?"

Practical Recommendations

Parental Involvement: Encourage a partnership with parents to guide internet use at home, reinforcing the concepts taught during tutoring sessions.

Use of Curated Educational Websites: Introduce research activities using websites that are specifically designed for educational purposes and vetted for accuracy.

For Middle School Writing Tutors

Building Research Skills

Teach Basic Research Techniques: Introduce students to the use of keywords, how to navigate search engines, and the basics of using online libraries and databases.

Develop Evaluation Skills: Teach students to evaluate sources by looking for author credentials, publication dates, and the presence of citations.

Introduce the Concept of Bias: Discuss how and why some information might be biased and the importance of considering multiple perspectives.

Practical Recommendations

Incorporate Real-World Examples: Use current events or topics of interest to the students to practice evaluating sources, making the activity both educational and relevant.

Collaborative Activities: Foster group discussions and projects where students share and critique sources, building community learning dynamics.

For High School Writing Tutors

Advanced Research and Critical Analysis

Teach Advanced Research Methods: Introduce more sophisticated databases and academic journals, guiding students on how to access and interpret scholarly articles.

Critical Analysis of Digital Media: Encourage students to critically evaluate digital media, including news websites, blogs, and social media, for reliability and bias.

Ethical Use of Information: Discuss the importance of citing sources, avoiding plagiarism, and the ethical considerations of using digital content.

Practical Recommendations

Research Projects: Assign in-depth research projects that require the use of multiple sources, both primary and secondary, to encourage deep engagement with the material and the evaluation process.

Debate and Discussion: Facilitate debates or discussions on controversial topics, requiring students to research and present arguments backed by reliable sources, fostering a deep understanding of the material and its context.


Online writing tutors play a crucial role in teaching students to navigate the vast information landscape of the internet effectively. By tailoring their approach to the developmental stage of their students, tutors can equip them with the critical thinking and research skills necessary to evaluate sources' reliability. Empowering students in this way not only enhances their academic writing but also prepares them for the challenges of the digital age, making them informed and discerning digital citizens.


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