Pitching Nonfiction to Magazines as a New Writer

A writing coach can help new authors by advising them on how to pitch a story idea to a magazine. At Gilliam Writers Group, our writing coaches have written for top publications and can offer expert advice on any potential pitch. When approaching a magazine, a subtle shift in mindset can help. Many authors come into the process thinking, “I have an idea that I want to publish.” But instead, thinking, “I am interested in writing for x magazine. What do they need, and how can I help?” can lead to better results. 

The next question a student may ask their writing coach is: How do I figure out what a magazine needs? The first step is to research the publication. Many magazines and cultural outlets have “service” pieces such as reviews, previews, recommendations, and write-ups of upcoming events. These are short, informative articles that are published frequently. Editors need to fill these slots continuously, so they are open to contributions from new writers. Another strategy is to go to the publication’s website and click on the “About” page. You will often find a section that includes “pitch guides.” These guides will tell you precisely what the site is looking for in terms of topics, tone, and word counts and will give you the right contact person for each of the magazine’s sections. 

Once you’ve identified a few promising leads, you might want to hire a writing coach online to help you perfect your idea. Introducing yourself to editors by sending a polished pitch can lead to future writing opportunities and a career as a sought-after author.


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