Learn to write for AI from the people who were writing for you first.

Because writers teach writing skills best.


Want to harness AI technology for your writing, research, or productivity? Our online writing specialists and prompt engineering courses walk you through best practices for using Large Language Models to generate relevant, high-quality results.


business professionals — entrepreneurs — creatives — educators


Our Pillars

Learn what sets the Gilliam Writers Group apart.

A Hands-On Approach

write better, together.


The Gilliam Writers Group is committed to providing actionable, practical feedback that helps every client become a better writer, no matter their training or goals. Learning how to write for AI, whether for business or creative purposes, can spell the difference between generating a valuable, time-saving output and receiving a sub-optimal response that creates more work for you in the long run.

To this end, our prompt engineer classes offer not only tips and technical support, but a collaborative, participatory learning experience for the student. GWG’s faculty take a hands-on approach to teaching prompt engineering. Meeting on Zoom and Google Docs simultaneously allows us to engage with written text in a uniquely tactile, organic way; using shared digital documents, we can shift seamlessly between dialogue and demonstration, idea and experiment, critique and revision.

During our lessons, you’ll also gain extensive hands-on experience with various cutting-edge Large Language Models (LLMs), including ChatGPT, Gemini, and more. In this way, you’ll learn prompt engineering online in real time, testing prompts, discussing results with your instructor, and refining your approaches toward the desired output.

If you’re still feeling uncertain (or excited!) about the logistics of a one-on-one prompt engineering course online with the Gilliam Writers Group, we invite you to schedule a free consultation call. One of our Enrollment Managers will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Long-Term Collaboration

coaching changes lives.


Whether you are new to AI technology or well-versed in how AI can be used to generate the most accurate and relevant outputs for your particular field, we hope you’ll consider an online prompt engineering class with a trained GWG faculty member. 

In our one-on-one prompt engineering lessons, you and your instructor will unpack the vocabulary, concepts, and methods behind this fast-evolving skill set, ensuring that you learn AI prompt engineering in a way that is both personally effective and compliant with best practices in the field. The more thoroughly our instructors get to know you as an individual, the more precisely and impactfully we can apply our expertise to your writing – a process that mirrors how AI algorithms produce more accurate results as they process more data over time. 

Is learning prompt engineering really worth it? We believe it is, because to master prompt engineering, you have to master the art and science of writing itself. Prompt engineering is an increasingly invaluable skill that depends on the same foundational principles of writing that we’ve been teaching our clients for years – principles that remain unchanged as technology evolves.

Qualified Faculty

training you can trust.


The Gilliam Writers Group faculty is composed of highly trained writers, expert editors, and experienced prompt engineering writing consultants. Scroll through our team page and you’ll see graduate degrees in writing and literature from the country’s top MFA and PhD programs; years of professional experience in the publishing industry, media, business, and education; and strong track records of literary publication

Writing by our faculty and emeritus faculty appears in top publications including Slate, The New Yorker, The New York Times, Bookforum, Artforum, CNN Opinions, Granta, Foreign Policy, JSTOR Daily, Vice, Longreads, Al Jazeera, The New York Review of Books, Electric Lit, The Rumpus, Catapult, Los Angeles Review of Books, Food & Wine, and more. 

We have also been published by Simon and Schuster and Penguin Random House, among other presses large and small, and have earned multiple awards and prizes for our fiction, poetry, and criticism.

Before hiring an online prompt engineering instructor through the Gilliam Writers Group, we invite you to request a writing sample from their portfolio. That way, you can experience for yourself the exceptional combination of talent and training our team has to offer. 

Our Solutions

Private, real-time classes taught by an online writing consultant trained in prompt engineering. 

Why Prompt Engineering? 

Exploring the technological frontier.


“Prompt engineering” is a mouthful of a phrase that obscures a simple idea: in order to write for AI, you need to know exactly what you’re looking for and how to linguistically frame your desired output for the algorithm. Platforms that use LLM’s like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini work best for users who already know how to leverage basic communication concepts such as point of view, tone, and audience. In other words, they work best for eloquent speakers and – more particularly – effective writers. As you go about learning ChatGPT prompt engineering or prompt creation for other AI chatbots, you’ll see how learning to write better, and thereby to think better, positions you to take advantage of all technologies on the cutting edge of human potential. 

Writing for AI may seem like a puzzle, but it relies on the same skill set that distinguishes a good writer in any genre. Successful writers know how to make their readers see what they want them to see, understand what they want them to understand, and do what they want them to do. These abilities have been refined by generations of students in rhetoric and persuasive communication since ancient Greece (and before). 

With constant attention to their audience and to perspective, good writers employ language in specific, learnable ways to craft precise and compelling messages. These are the same skills required to optimize the outputs of AI technologies in business and professional writing. If you’re asking yourself, “Is prompt engineering really that easy to learn?”, the best answer may be: it’s as easy (or difficult) to learn as effective writing itself. 

Our prompt engineering classes will empower you to fulfill the promise of this incredible technology by keeping sight of the age-old craft that lies behind all good writing. At Gilliam Writers Group, our faculty are not technology specialists attempting to teach clear and convincing writing. We are professional writers and authors who lead our students through exercises and case studies in prompt engineering. Our backgrounds in literature, media, and the humanities help us guide clients in discovering new AI applications for any number of fields, from conventional business writing within established industries to more open-ended forms of creative research and brainstorming. 

Artificial intelligence is the first truly new technology of our century, and it offers endless potential for transforming human collaboration and inspiration. As a truly generative technology that relies on human will and intellect as its engine, AI is built upon the ingenuity of the individual creative mind. While many have approached generative AI with trepidation, if not outright fear, over its capacity to make people lazy in their thinking, we recognize that the opposite is true: AI technologies, guided by thoughtful prompt engineering, come close to making the dreams of sorcerers and enchantresses reality. Say (or type) a few simple words and watch your will become concrete before you. To this end, we believe the best course to learn prompt engineering is one that has human creativity at its core. 

How long does it take to learn prompt engineering? The answer depends on how much you already know and what it is exactly that you’re trying to create. We offer two lengths of courses to learn to write prompts for AI, an introductory course and advanced course. One-on-one sessions, tailored to your needs, are the best way to learn prompt engineering since they allow students and faculty to experiment with the algorithm in real time.

Prompt Engineering Courses for Teachers & Educators

use A.i. inventively in curriculum design, lesson planning, and research.


Education is one of the sectors that stands poised to benefit most profoundly from the possibilities of AI, if used to foster collaboration and individualize learning. One of the most difficult issues facing educators, particularly within classroom settings, is how to meet students at their current education levels and guide them toward deeper learning. AI technologies have the capacity to use personalization to improve training processes and the retention of skills. For teachers, a ChatGPT prompt engineering course (or a course focused on the AI platform of your choice) offers a variety of solutions for individuating and streamlining the work of pedagogy, and becoming competent in writing for AI will allow teachers to create new ways of instructing for the twenty-first century. Our faculty will work with you to develop the skills you need in creative prompt engineering to optimize AI for the classroom. 

Prompt Engineering Courses for Entrepreneurs & Business Professionals

Artificial intelligence, organic results.


Businesses are already at the vanguard of incorporating generative AI into their work processes and outputs, from interpreting complex datasets to automating administrative tasks. But without the training to ask “good” (specific, tailored, and thoughtful) questions of their algorithms of choice, workers may find themselves spending more time, rather than less, on basic tasks. We offer prompt engineering classes for individuals and groups who understand that, when interactions with AI technologies are thought of as conversations rather than simple searches, they offer endless possibilities for not only saving time but enhancing creativity.

Prompt Engineering Courses for Creatives

the difference is in the details.


Generative AI promises to transform creative work by helping creators assess ideas, challenge biases, and facilitate collaboration. At GWG, our writing students are already experimenting with ways that AI can summarize and evaluate documents and datasets or generate images that allow designers to imagine functional capabilities beyond their own initial thoughts. Prompt engineering classes have the capacity to spur creatives in atypical directions and foster conversations between designers and users, writers and audiences. Our faculty can help creatives overcome their trepidations about AI and lay the groundwork for incorporating generative technologies into their imaginative process.

 Determining Fit

Is Gilliam right for you? Learn more about how – and who – a prompt engineering instructor can help.

    • Individuals looking to improve their AI prompt engineering skills

    • Businesses and individuals who wish to train in maximizing the impact that AI technologies can have on their work

    • Anyone who wishes to learn how to write prompts for AI through a prompt engineering course for ChatGPT or other platforms

    • Individuals who want prompt engineering training to help AI streamline their business processes

    • Companies who want their employees to improve various types of prompt engineering skills

    • Professionals who wish to learn how to use AI for content writing or how to use AI for copywriting

    • Employees who wish to advance their career through improving their prompt engineering skills

    • Copywriters who seek a prompt engineering course to navigate the ever-evolving world of generative AI technology

    • Work with you to understand the capabilities of AI and how to write prompts for AI that achieve the results you want

    • Give you the skills you need to revise your own work independently, whether you’re writing at a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level

    • Work collaboratively with you on any short-term or long-term prompt engineering projects

    • Support you in finding your confidence as a prompt writer

    • Teach you to communicate more clearly and effectively

    • Reinforce your mastery of grammar and punctuation, even by providing formal grammar lessons if desired

    • Strengthen your overall writing practice by advising you on time management, planning, and writing strategy 

    • Meet with you regularly on a weekly or biweekly basis (online via video chat and a shared digital document) for writing coaching or tutoring

    • Offer encouragement and motivation beyond technical feedback

    • Facilitate engaging and productive sessions on how to write for AI, even when you don’t show up with any written work

    • Match you with a well-qualified and unobjectionable prompt engineering tutor online

    • Provide and co-sign a thorough NDA to protect your privacy as a client of the Gilliam Writers Group

    • Plan a prompt engineering workshop for your business needs

    • Support plagiarism of any kind, particularly as it relates to AI chatbot-generated work — our faculty are serious about educational, creative, and professional ethics!

    • Write documents of any kind on your behalf or produce written work for you outside of meetings

    • Read or edit your writing without payment, on our own time

    • Take responsibility for your attendance at class sessions (though we will absolutely remind and encourage you to attend)

    • Force you to maintain a certain writing schedule (we can help you create a schedule, but we cannot ensure that you stick to it)

    • Guarantee your writing will result in a promotion or monetary gain

    • Take the place of a therapist – we are coaches, tutors, and editors, not counselors

    • Guarantee that one of our faculty members will be available to provide AI prompt engineering courses near you (we do, however, guarantee that we can provide an online prompt engineering class of the very highest quality)

    • Act as your representative or personal correspondent to employees, colleagues, or any other person or entity


Prompt engineering classes start at $140 / hour. To learn about our pricing structure, use the drop-down menu below or visit our pricing page.

  • Hour-by-hour meetings (schedule ahead; pay as you go).

    The Gilliam Writers Group charges $140/hr for our private, online prompt engineering lessons.

Getting Started

Connect to learn prompt engineering in 3 simple steps. Our onboarding process is thorough and convenient, resulting in successful client-coach matches.

Step 1

Schedule your consultation.


To connect for prompt engineering courses planned by the Gilliam Writers Group faculty, we invite you to first schedule a free, 15-minute consultation call with a representative from our company’s leadership team.

During this phone call, we’ll guide you through a series of standardized questions about your background, experience, and goals, taking detailed notes on your responses. These notes will form the basis of your client brief – an internal document central to GWG’s client-instructor matching process. The client brief ensures that we can help you find a prompt engineering class and instructor to suit your particular needs and preferences. After answering any lingering questions, your representative will conclude the call and email you two important documents. 

First, you’ll receive our new client onboarding brochure, a PDF containing useful resources including a list of best practices, contact information for everyone on our leadership team, and the link to a feedback form you can submit at any point during your work with the Gilliam Writers Group. Second, you will receive a link to our service agreement (fillable online). We co-sign this form with all new clients to establish clear terms of engagement and, above all, to protect your interests – for example, to legally bind ourselves to nondisclosure. You can later dissolve this agreement at any time, for any reason, with just 24 hours’ notice.

Step 2

Connect with your coach.


Within 24 hours of your consultation call, your newly assigned prompt engineering instructor will reach out via email and text to schedule the first session of your package.

At this point, they’ll already have a clear sense of your background, needs, and preferred meeting schedule; it is our policy to always read a new client’s brief before making contact. This mitigates redundancy in GWG’s onboarding process; as you establish communication with your business writing coach, you won’t need to rehash the basics of your interest in online business writing classes, for example, or the personality profile of your ideal business writing helper. Your coach will already be in the loop.

Step 3

Enjoy your first session.


Our prompt engineering courses online take place on Zoom and Google Docs, and emphasize guided, real-time practice combined with immediate feedback.

The structure of your first session will depend largely on your particular needs and the discernment of your instructor; there is no standard formula, though most such meetings are necessarily focused on gathering information, assessing the client’s writing and goals, and developing a plan of action. Your assigned faculty member will devise a plan for learning important concepts in prompt engineering, experimenting with prompts, and refining results to your satisfaction.

The Gilliam Writers Group is primarily an online company; however, if you’re interested in setting up an in-person prompt engineering class near you, pleasecontact us. In certain cases, we may be able to offer a professional AI prompt writing course in NYC, which is home to a large part of our community.

Swapping Coaches

just in case.


If you find that you and your instructor aren’t a match, or you decide to work with other GWG faculty in the future, our leadership team can support you in choosing a different online writing consultant.

Before matching you with another faculty member, we will usually suggest that you first tell your coach as clearly as possible what you believe is missing in your work together. Open, honest dialogue is essential to the service we offer; all GWG coaches possess strong interpersonal skills, but none of us can read minds.

If clear communication does not yield the hoped-for results, or you no longer want to work with your coach for any reason, just let our leadership team know. We’ll initiate a new, more streamlined client-instructor matching process, supplementing your original client brief (the one created during your initial consultation call) with updated information to reflect both your progress and the reasons you are pausing work with your previous instructor. 

Looking for a qualified prompt engineering coach online?

Schedule a free consultation call with a representative from our company’s leadership team.

You can also book directly on our scheduling page:

  • Brady Gilliam, Founder

  • Tadeh Kennedy, Enrollment Manager

  • Misha McDaniel, Enrollment Manager


*If you are seeking employment with the Gilliam Writers Group, please do not use this form — it’s for prospective clients. Instead, send an introduction & resume to brady@gilliamwritersgroup.com.

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