Our Book Coaching Process

A skeleton outline

PHASE 1 of the process is GENERATIVE:

Phase 1 consists of regular (usually weekly or 2x weekly) hour-long meetings between coach & client. Some clients prefer meetings of up to 2 hours at a time, though coaching sessions generally last no longer than 2 hours.

Before each session, the client writes a certain number of pages (or edits those pages, if they’re already drafted), & then sends this new material to the coach.

  • Also before session, the coach may spend a little time (no more than 10 or 15 minutes) independently reading whatever new material the client has produced for free, possibly highlighting notable areas & making high-level structural & concept notes if necessary. This brief, solo reading time is considered necessary prep for every session (“due diligence”), & is completed free of charge.

  • More time-intensive reading is charged at GWG’s usual reading rate (see our Pricing page for more details).

  •  During each session, client & coach identify areas for improvement in the draft; for example, they might discuss necessary changes to the book’s organization & flow. At some point in the session, the coach will usually focus in on some specific, craft-related goal (e.g., making characters’ voices more distinct, or reducing clunky exposition), & then walk the client through various strategies & exercises for improvement.

  • Phase 1 usually lasts about 5-6 months.

PHASE 2 of the process is EDITORIAL:

Phase 2 consists mainly of independent, asynchronous editing on the part of the coach; no weekly meetings are required. The client hires the coach to spend a predetermined number of hours each week editing their manuscript. Most clients hire the coach to edit for about 2 hrs/week.

The hourly rate for editing in Phase 2 is the same as that paid for coaching meetings in Phase 1.

  • Because this type of involved, heavy editing is highly skilled work, it is compensated at the same hourly rate as meeting sessions in Phase 1 — there is no unpaid reading/editing/prep time in Phase 2 of the coaching process.

  • After each hour of edits, the coach shares their work with the client. Between editing sessions, coach & client may discuss project specifics via brief phone calls (these are offered free of charge, but should not last longer than is reasonable for unpaid work).

  • Note that Phase 2 is optional. Some coaching clients already have a professional editor, or just want to save $, so they choose to end service with their coach after Phase 1 is complete.

  • Phase 2 usually lasts about 3-6 months.

Interested in hiring a book writing coach?

Fill out this form to schedule a free consultation call with a representative from our company’s leadership team.

Brady Gilliam, Founder Tadeh Kennedy, Enrollment Manager Misha McDaniel, Enrollment Manager


*If you are seeking employment with the Gilliam Writers Group, please do not use this form — it’s for prospective clients. Instead, send an introduction & resume to brady@gilliamwritersgroup.com.

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