Welcome to our informational blog.
Topics covered include literary theory and practice, academic writing techniques, philosophy of education, and explanations of our methods for enhancing creative intelligence.
New Year, New Page: Resolutions to Help Writers Refine Their Craft
Whether it’s through committing to a consistent writing schedule, reading critically, setting clear goals, seeking feedback, or engaging in professional development, writers can approach the year ahead with a clear plan for growth. For those seeking additional guidance, hiring a writing coach can provide the expertise and accountability needed to transform aspirations into measurable achievements.
Flannery O'Connor's Clothes: Finding Your Voice Through Exaggeration
O'Connor's exaggerated use of attire reveals deeper aspects of her characters' personalities, social standings, and inner lives. Exploring techniques like exaggeration with a professional writing coach can help writers discover and refine their unique voice.
Digital Writing Analytics, AI, & Human Expertise: How Writing Coaches Can Help
In the evolving landscape of digital writing, the advent of sophisticated writing analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) tools presents both opportunities and challenges for writing coaches, tutors, and editors – especially those working online.
Mastering Multimodal Composition: The Role of Writing Coaches
Multimodal composition is not just an artistic choice but a necessity in today's digital landscape, where messages compete for attention in a sea of content. Writing coaches, with their deep understanding of diverse communicative forms, are instrumental in guiding writers to excel in this complex yet captivating domain.
Elevating Digital Communication: Writing Coaching for Digital Literacies
Writing coaches, with their nuanced understanding of both the art and science of writing, are uniquely positioned to guide their clients through the complexities of digital literacies, transforming them into adept digital communicators.
Writing Coaches & the Literary “Resurgence”
As we stand on the cusp of potential future literary revolutions, it's exciting to consider what these periods of intense creativity have looked like in the past, and to speculate on the directions they might take in the future. Also exciting (for us, at least) is the question of what online writing tutors and writing coaches have to do with all this. How can we contribute?