Welcome to our informational blog.
Topics covered include literary theory and practice, academic writing techniques, philosophy of education, and explanations of our methods for enhancing creative intelligence.
Haiku: The Art of Compression
Haiku teaches the importance of capturing fleeting moments with precision and clarity. For writing tutors and students alike, the lessons of haiku offer a pathway to more expressive, effective, and evocative writing.
Unraveling the Monomyth: The Power of the Hero's Journey in Storytelling
Understanding the psychological underpinnings of the Hero's Journey enables coaches to help writers craft narratives that resonate emotionally with audiences. By focusing on the inner journey of the hero, writers can create stories that offer genuine insights into the human condition.
Fairy Tales Through Time: From Oral Tradition to Modern Storytelling
Fairy tales, in their myriad forms, continue to enchant and educate, proving that the need for stories is as essential to the human experience as ever. In employing these elements, a writing coach not only aids in the technical craft of storytelling but also taps into the deep well of human experience embedded in fairy tales and folk traditions.
The Craft of Free Indirect Discourse in Narrative Writing
Free Indirect Discourse (FID) is a nuanced and sophisticated narrative technique that merges the voice of a third-person narrator with the thoughts and speech of the characters within a story. This technique effectively blurs the lines between the narrator's commentary and the internal monologue of the characters, allowing readers to delve into the characters' minds without the need for direct quotation or explicit attribution.
Mastering the Art of Dialogue Through Playwriting Format
Understanding the key components of playwriting format can provide valuable insights into how it effectively captures character interactions. By dissecting the fundamental elements of this format and its profound impact on dialogue and interactions, we uncover invaluable insights for writers across disciplines, aiming to enhance their craft and deepen the narrative resonance of their work.
Below the Surface: Hemingway's Iceberg Theory and Its Implications for Modern Writing
Ernest Hemingway's Iceberg Theory, also known as the theory of omission, is a cornerstone of literary modernism that emphasizes the depth of narrative lying beneath the surface of the text.
Embracing Individuality: The Montessori Method's Influence on Writing Tutoring
This article explores how the key principles of the Montessori method—individualized learning, choice-driven exploration, varied learning materials, the educator's guiding role, and a collaborative learning environment—can revolutionize writing tutoring.
Working Well With Editors: Fiction vs. Creative Nonfiction vs. Poetry
This article delves into the unique “ins and outs” of collaborating with novel editors, creative nonfiction editors, and poetry editors, offering you insights into how best to approach your work with each type of professional.
Understanding the Pricing Models of Online Editors
Whether for books, articles, academic papers, or business documents, freelance editors help authors refine their work. Their pricing models and rates can vary widely based on several factors, including the type of editing required, the editor's experience, and the project's complexity.
Digital Writing Analytics, AI, & Human Expertise: How Writing Coaches Can Help
In the evolving landscape of digital writing, the advent of sophisticated writing analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) tools presents both opportunities and challenges for writing coaches, tutors, and editors – especially those working online.
Crafting Excellence: A Guide to Professional Manuscript Editing for Aspiring Authors
Seeking out professional manuscript editing can be pivotal for authors of all experience levels. This article aims to demystify the process of working with a freelance editor and highlight the differences between developmental & content editing and line & copy editing.
Mastering Multimodal Composition: The Role of Writing Coaches
Multimodal composition is not just an artistic choice but a necessity in today's digital landscape, where messages compete for attention in a sea of content. Writing coaches, with their deep understanding of diverse communicative forms, are instrumental in guiding writers to excel in this complex yet captivating domain.
Elevating Digital Communication: Writing Coaching for Digital Literacies
Writing coaches, with their nuanced understanding of both the art and science of writing, are uniquely positioned to guide their clients through the complexities of digital literacies, transforming them into adept digital communicators.
Famous Author-Editor Duos from Literary History
Throughout literary history, there have been numerous author-editor duos whose collaborations have resulted in some of the most iconic and enduring works in the canon(s). Here, we explore ten of the most famous author-editor pairings, highlighting their contributions to literature and the unique dynamics of their collaborations.
The Role of Online Writing Tutors in Teaching Effective Internet Use
In the digital age, the ability to effectively use the internet and evaluate the reliability of sources has become an essential skill set for students of all ages. Online writing tutors are uniquely positioned to teach these skills within the context of writing education.
Writing Coaches & the Literary “Resurgence”
As we stand on the cusp of potential future literary revolutions, it's exciting to consider what these periods of intense creativity have looked like in the past, and to speculate on the directions they might take in the future. Also exciting (for us, at least) is the question of what online writing tutors and writing coaches have to do with all this. How can we contribute?
Educational "Third Spaces": Tutoring & Innovation
In the vast and ever-changing landscape of education, "third spaces" constitute a transformative arena wherein the boundaries of traditional learning are challenged and expanded. These environments, neither strictly institutional nor purely informal, have become crucial incubators for pedagogical experimentation and innovation. At the heart of these spaces lies the age-old practice of tutoring.
Writing Coaching Candidate #8: The Creative Hobbyist
Writers like Emily and Joe do not write creatively as the means to a professional end, but as part of their journey toward more authentic personal expression and fulfillment. Creative writing coaches nurture these clients’ aspirations over time, providing guidance and encouragement tailored to their creative goals.
Writing Coaching Candidate #7: The Blogger and Content Creator
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital media, bloggers and content creators strive not only for originality but also for a connection with their readers. Creative writing coaches play a key role in helping them hone their brand, ensuring their content stands out in the increasingly crowded digital space.
Writing Coaching Candidate #6: The Academic or Researcher
Academics and researchers often stand at the crossroads of complex ideas and the need for clear communication. Academic writing coaches play a pivotal role in helping knowledge professionals navigate this terrain, ensuring their groundbreaking work is both accessible and engaging to a broader audience.