Welcome to our informational blog.

Topics covered include literary theory and practice, academic writing techniques, philosophy of education, and explanations of our methods for enhancing creative intelligence.

Embracing the Moral Heart of Writing Tutoring: Insights from David Hansen's Educational Philosophy

In his book "The Moral Heart of Teaching," philosopher David Hansen embarks on a profound exploration of the ethical core of educational practice. Hansen articulates the belief that teaching is not merely a profession but a vocation rooted in moral responsibility. His arguments can be applied to educational settings and pedagogical traditions beyond conventional classroom learning, and are especially relevant to the nuanced work of writing tutoring.

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Writing Coaching, Writing Tutoring, Editing Brady Gilliam Writing Coaching, Writing Tutoring, Editing Brady Gilliam

Editor, Tutor, Coach: Understanding Their Unique Roles in the Writing World

Whether you're a seasoned author or a beginner trying to put your thoughts into words, you might come across these three professional types in your writing journey: the editor, the writing tutor, and the writing coach. Though they all aim to elevate your work, each serves a distinct purpose.

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Academic Tutoring, Tutoring, Writing Tutoring Gilliam Writers Group Academic Tutoring, Tutoring, Writing Tutoring Gilliam Writers Group

“English Lag”: Tutoring as a Remedy against Falling Behind during Covid-19

The Gilliam Writers Group offers academic writing tutoring services that can have a positive impact on your writing skills and academic success. Whether you're seeking an academic writing tutor online or a private tutor for academic writing, the Gilliam Writers Group is an invaluable resource.

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Academic Tutoring, Tutoring Gilliam Writers Group Academic Tutoring, Tutoring Gilliam Writers Group

The Staying Power of Live Tutoring amid the A.I. Revolution

Live tutoring remains a crucial component of education, complementing the benefits of A.I.-powered tutoring systems. While A.I. chatbots offer certain advantages, they cannot replace the human touch and the empathetic support that live tutors provide. Live tutoring enables real-time interaction, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter and addressing individual learning needs.

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Enhancing Adolescent Writing Skills IV: How We Operationalize the 2007 “Writing Next” Report

As professional writing tutors, we rely on a mix of personal experience and research when designing our lesson plans & determining how to improve student outcomes. Like many in our field, we have found the “Writing Next” report to be an invaluable resource for teaching our students how to write not only “well,” but compellingly, with gusto and inspiration. Read on to learn why you should hire a writing tutor online.

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The Evolving Role of Private Tutors: A Writing Tutor’s Historical Overview

In the age of digital innovation, the art of tutoring has undergone profound transformations. While today’s educators have access to more advanced tools and platforms than ever before, our core principle of one-on-one instruction has its roots in the deepest bedrock of educational history. Join us as we trace the footsteps of legendary tutor-student duos and discover how the past has informed today's tutoring landscape.

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How to Get Back to Writing Starting Right Now

This season, many of us are settling back into our routines and wondering: How can I connect with my creativity again? There is a lot of good advice out there: prompts, good attitude, workshops. But when you already have a personal writing coach, I’ve found that the most effective way to empower yourself is by dedicating a new space in your own home for writing (and writing only.)

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Enhancing Adolescent Writing Skills III: How Our Online Tutors Use the “Writing Next” Report

This is the second-to-last blog post in our series on the 2007 research report titled "Writing Next: Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools.” In today’s post, we’ll summarize the next three instructional strategies outlined in the report, and explain how our online writing tutors use them to enhance the writing skills of adolescent learners.

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Enhancing Adolescent Writing Skills II: How Gilliam Writers Group Implements Effective Instructional Strategies

How do our online writing tutors do what they do so well? What research-based methods do we use to teach our students? Here’s our take on the first five effective instructional practices identified in the influential 2007 report titled "Writing Next: Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools.”

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Enhancing Adolescent Writing Skills I: Evidence-Based Tutoring & the "Writing Next" Report

Strong writing skills are essential for cognitive and intellectual development. At Gilliam Writers Group, our writing tutors are committed to helping adolescents in middle and high schools improve their writing skills through evidence-based educational approaches. In this blog post, we’ll discuss an influential 2007 report titled "Writing Next: Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools."

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Bork's Elements of a Successful Story

A writing coach can talk with you about tools like Bork’s PROBLEM acronym, and how you can use them in your own work. Never hesitate to ask your writing coach about advice you hear in podcasts or find in online articles so they can help you figure out what’s most relevant to your projects.

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Online Writing Resources

A writing coach is someone who has likely encountered many of the issues you might be currently facing with your own writing practice, and has figured out ways to overcome them. This means writing coaches are often incredibly resourceful people, who at the same time that they guide you through your process can help you discover how to teach yourself and grow as a writer for a long time after your work together. A writing coach online can refer you to internet-based resources that can help you with the specific project or projects you have in mind. Whether you have grammar questions, or need to think through your story structure, the internet likely has free resources that can help.

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The Importance of Outlines in Middle School English

One of the most frequent questions from those entering the sometimes-stressful years of middle school is what English teachers expect from their students. A qualified middle school writing tutor from the Gilliam Writers Group can help put your fears to rest, but first, a few pointers to get your recent middle schooler on the right track.

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Want great writing advice? Ask a playwright

Dialogue is the bread and butter of the play. As a writing coach with Gilliam Writers Group, I’m one of several writing coaches with a background in dramatic writing. So if you need some tips on dialogue for your own novel or short story, here are a few from the theater world, where no one stops talking.

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Want great writing advice? Ask a translator

Whether you’re writing an essay for school, revising a chapter in your novel, or composing a sensitive email to coworkers, translating the words in your head into writing can be a frustrating process. A literary translator knows this feeling well, and moreover, accepts it as a natural part of the work of writing. With advanced degrees in diverse topics, including translation, writing coaches at Gilliam Writers Group can offer unique and surprising insight into what makes great writing.

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Pitching Nonfiction to Magazines as a New Writer

A writing coach can help new authors by advising them on how to pitch a story idea to a magazine. At Gilliam Writers Group, our writing coaches have written for top publications and can offer expert advice on any potential pitch. When approaching a magazine, a subtle shift in mindset can help.

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